Preliminary Considerations

A user shall be understood as any person browsing the website www.gslconsultoria.com, hereinafter referred to simply as the website.

An editor shall be understood as the owner of the website, who is SOLUTIONS THAT CREATE VALUE S.A. de C.V. and is identified in the legal notice.

The cookies used in the user’s browser have been installed with their authorization. If at any time you wish to revoke this authorization, you may do so without any obstacle. For this purpose, you can view the Disabling or Deleting Cookies section, which is described in these policies.

The Editor is free to make any changes deemed pertinent to the website. For this purpose, sections, functionalities, or any element that may generate the use of new cookies may be added, so it is advised to the user to check this cookie policy each time they access the website, to stay updated for any changes that may have occurred since the last visit.

Definition and Function of Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information stored in the user’s browser of a website to be able to consult the previous activity it has had, as well as to remember certain data for a next visit. They can also be called web beacons, pixels, bugs, trackers, but for the purposes of these policies, they will be understood only as cookies.

They usually store technical data, usage statistics, profile customization, links to social networks, personal preference management, among other functions, in order to adapt the website to the user’s needs and settings, thus improving the browsing experience; not accepting them could hinder the service that the website intends to offer.

They are not virus files, spam, trojans, worms, spyware, or advertising programming, whether static on the page or in pop-up window format.

The stored information refers to the browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.), and not to the user; to verify this, you can enter the same web domain and check in two different browsers that you can configure different preferences in each one.

Types of Cookies According to the Entity That Manages Them

Cookies can be:

  1. Own: when they are managed by the website’s own editor. They are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor himself and from which the requested service is provided by the user.
  2. Third-party: when they are managed by a natural or legal person other than the editor.

This website uses its own cookies and third-party cookies.

Types of Cookies According to Their Purpose

Depending on the function they perform, cookies can be:

  1. Technical: Allow the operational management of the website, so that the user can browse it without any problem. They can help control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access parts, remember the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of a product or service, manage payment, control fraud, carry out the registration or participation request in an event, use security elements during browsing, store contents for video or sound dissemination, enable dynamic content (for example, loading animation of a text or image), or share contents through social networks, among many other functions they may have.
  2. Preference or customization: those that allow remembering information for the user to browse the website with certain personalized characteristics, such as, for example, the language, the number of results to show when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the website depending on the user’s browser type, background colors used, profile picture, among others.
  3. Analysis or measurement: allow tracking and analyzing user behavior on the website and on others owned by the cookie manager, for example, the time they spend on a certain page, the hours and days of highest traffic.
  4. Behavioral advertising: those that store information about user behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows developing a specific profile to display advertising based on this. The intention is to show relevant and attractive ads to the user.
  5. Advertising: These are cookies that allow for the most effective management of the advertising spaces that the website has, based on criteria such as edited content or the frequency with which ads are displayed..

This website uses technical, customization, analysis, behavioral advertising, and advertising cookies.

Some cookies can be versatile, that is, fulfill 2 or more functions.

Types of Cookies According to Their Duration:

According to the period of time they remain activated on the terminal equipment, cookies can be:

  1. Session: They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only of interest to preserve for the provision of the service requested by the user on one occasion and disappear when the session ends, for example, a list of chosen products, a specific selection of photographs, etc.
  2. Persistent: They are a type of cookies in which the data remains stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie manager, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Consequences of Disabling Cookies

As an example, the possible effects of not authorizing the use of cookies can be the following:

  • The chosen products will not be loaded in the store, so a shopping cart will not be created, preventing the possibility of completing the purchase of the desired products.
  • You will not be able to access the client area, personal area, or any area that requires confirmation.
  • The necessary data for analyzing the website cannot be collected, preventing the editor from knowing how to improve.
  • You will not be able to share the content of the website on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, among others.
  • You will not be able to comment on the blog.
  • You will not be able to use any social network, as they all use cookies to provide their service.
  • Third-party advertising will not be displayed, reducing revenues for those who use this modality. In certain website domain sites, your browsing may be considered spam as it cannot be identified. This list is merely indicative, not exhaustive.

If the user has deleted the cookies and wishes to browse this website again, they must accept the cookies once again.

Cookies Used on This Website

This website makes use of the following cookies: technical, customization, analysis, behavioral advertising. The cookies used by third parties cannot be accurately displayed due to the technical impossibility this may generate, but every effort has been made to provide the user with all the necessary information..

Google reCAPTCHA

Usamos Google reCAPTCHA para prevención de spam. Para más información, por favor, lee la política de privacidad de Google reCAPTCHA

_grecaptcha6 mesesProporcionar protección contra correo no deseado

Usamos Join.chat para soporte por chat. Estos datos no se comparten con terceros.

joinchat_viewspersistenteContar y rastrear páginas vistas

Usamos Enfold para creación de contenido. Estos datos no se comparten con terceros.

avia_post_0_*sesiónProporcionar un sitio web responsivo

Usamos WordPress para desarrollo de sitios web. Estos datos no se comparten con terceros.

wpEmojiSettingsSupportssesiónGuardar detalles del navegador
Google Analytics

Usamos Google Analytics para estadísticas del sitio web. Para más información, por favor, lee la política de privacidad de Google Analytics.

_gid1 díaContar y rastrear páginas vistas
Google Analytics

Usamos Google Analytics para estadísticas del sitio web. Para más información, por favor, lee la política de privacidad de Google Analytics.

_ga2 añosContar y rastrear páginas vistas
Google Analytics

Usamos Google Analytics para estadísticas del sitio web. Para más información, por favor, lee la política de privacidad de Google Analytics.

_ga_*1 añoContar y rastrear páginas vistas

Usamos Polylang para gestión local. Estos datos no se comparten con terceros.

pll_languagepersistenteGuardar configuraciones de lenguaje
Google Fonts

Usamos Google Fonts para mostrar fuentes web. Para más información, por favor, lee la política de privacidad de Google Fonts

Google Fonts API

Disabling or Deleting Cookies

At any time, the user may exercise their right to refuse cookies and may consequently disable or delete them, except for those that are necessary for the functioning of the website.

The user may delete and/or block cookies for all browsing they carry out or for a specific website domain. This setting must be done in each browser; if done in one browser and not in the others on the same device, it will be assumed that cookies are accepted in the others. The Editor cannot perform this action for the user; they must do it themselves responsibly and individually in each browser and/or device they choose.

Since each browser has different settings, the user should refer to the help section of each one to see the specific case. This section mentions the most common ones; however, due to browser or operating system updates, this may vary. The user should always refer to the user manuals of their browser; this guide is merely indicative.

Notices Related to Cookies

The Editor is not responsible for any technical failures that the user may encounter on the website or in their browser due to incorrect manipulation of disabling or deleting cookies. The user should always verify information about disabling or deleting cookies in the help section of the relevant browser. The user assumes responsibility for deleting or disabling cookies in their browser and therefore assumes the consequences that may result from this.

At any time, the user may contact the Editor through info@gslconsultoria.com.